US Presence / New York & Houston Presence
Mail and Address Services
Reception, Phone Handling
Flex Desks, Office Suites, Conference Rooms
Since many potential clients in the US prefer doing business from within their own country and familiar time zones, accessibility is key to starting any new venture or expanding into the US. When you become a TABS member, we can work with you to provide representation services that will allow you to run your international office from your current location, while making your organization easily accessible for US clients. We can provide you with a US postal address, phone and email support.
When a more physical presence is needed, TABS offers Flex Desk licenses, allowing you to reserve a workspace at our locations by the day, week, or month. We also offer Office Suite licenses, providing a dedicated office space and amenities that can be at the disposal of your organization. For meetings, conference rooms are also available for rent.
TABS partners with New Amsterdam Trade & Consultancy to provide your Company with a full-service presence in the US that will keep your work flowing no matter where your headquarters are. Our combined experience in Trans Atlantic business services is unmatched.
Among the other services offered are:
- Mail and address services, with mail scanned and shared via secure server
- Reception, phone answering and phone forwarding services
- Flex desks, office suites and conference rooms
TABS can also provide all services elsewhere in the US.
- 01THE RESEARCH & PLANNINGAorem ipsum dolor sit amet consectetur bas adipisicing elit sed dui eiusmod temp inciduntut labore.
- 02IMPLEMENTATIONDorem ipsum dolor sit amet consectetur bas adipisicing elit sed dui eiusmod temp inciduntut labore.
- 03KEEPING TRACKCorem ipsum dolor sit amet consectetur bas adipisicing elit sed dui eiusmod temp inciduntut labore.