Michelle Snijders

Michelle SnijdersMichelle’s educational journey began with a focus on Marketing & Communication, laying a solid foundation for her subsequent ventures into the world of business. She further honed her skills through Business Studies at Fontys University of Applied Sciences in The Netherlands, where she gained valuable insights into the intricacies of corporate operations. However, Michelle’s ambitions transcended borders, leading her to pursue studies at the European Business School INSEEC in Bordeaux, France. Immersed in France’s vibrant culture and rich gastronomic heritage, she developed a deep appreciation for forging meaningful connections across diverse backgrounds.

Before joining TABS Inc., Michelle gained practical experience at Van Lanschot Kempen Private Banking, where she refined her understanding of international business dynamics and relationship management. This experience and her passion for fostering connections laid the groundwork for her current role. Michelle leverages her diverse skill set and global perspective to drive impactful collaborations and lasting partnerships.

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